Episode 156: A Little French Fry in the Radiator
Reviews for some Kentucky BBQ, tattoo-haver based smut, a diner with a drive-thru, some weird comments from our website, Valorant cards, a casino, and on the best movies of ALL TIME.
Episode 155: The Elvis Grease
Reviews? We got 'em. For cat bells golf balls, Vegas wedding chapels, bad movies, the X-files, and hair removal cream.
Episode 154: I got a Nice Lift
Reviews for stuff like Taco Bell, cream to do said lifting, pills weight loss, Nikes, Zelda, Street Fighter but the movie, and umbrellas but a lightsaber.
Episode 153: Waxing Unpoetic
Reviews this week for some whacky shit gamers, like KICKERBALLS, police departments, Jurassic Park(the new one), and maybe even a strip club.
Episode 152: Dispensing a Lot of Advice
It's got reviews about pickles from Milwaukee, restaurants in Chicago, fingers in the peanut butter, ginseng in the drinks, and media reviews about amazing spiders, flying nuns and super Italian-Americans. Yeah, listen to it, it's the best advice we got.
Episode 151: Becoming a Better Monkey
We got reviews for brain fuel, silly straws, ballistic back scratchers, FUNKY Hawaiian shirts, mustard, closed mustard shops, and the final chapter in the Haribo Sugar-Free Gummy Bear saga. We're going ape!
Episode 150: I've Got Some Vanity to Me
Alright, good reviews, cultivated by the boys, featuring such topics as classic cartoons, (unlubricated) sports shoes, old pocket monsters, supple hose-ware, a vegan joint with a bud, and perhaps even, between you and me, a little revisit of some schmugar schmee schmummy schmears. That hurt to type, sugar free gummy bears. There, are you happy? One Hundred And Fif Tee.
Episode 149: Rudely Asking for Mercy
Drop in this week for reviews of frog hats, tiger balm, and beef salt (oh my), as well as an enchanted bottle opener and an eye doctor with no pity. A quick round of 5 Star Review, the board game, also makes an appearance. Tasty good!
Episode 148: Getting Steamed Over a Glass of Chardonnay
Reviews for, but not limited to, Street Sharks, nasty biscuits at the Nasty Biscuit, Topper's top Pizza, chainsaws, closed strip clubs, and Ihops with sad managers. Will you survive?
Episode 147: A Prelude to Some Nastiness
The calm before the nasty is now. The nasty is reviews for carnivals in Las Vegas, lemons that are not so real, tomato sauce (in a can!), some PBS show called Nova, some mobile game called Marvel Snap, coffee shops, and fire made of cardboard. Stay nasty!
Episode 146: It Is About the Ease of Consumption
CONSUME these reviews about Mortal Kombat via water bottle koozie, copious amounts of minced garlic, balls AND a cup, ol' Normie Macdonald, and a company of noodles.
Episode 145: A Vacuum of Memory
This episode sucks! It has reviews for ties, springs, music from Cake and Barry White, clothes, smutty novels! That's pretty much all our favorite review topics, but it still sucks!
Episode 144: I’m On To the Peekaboo Game
Still not over the Great Peekaboo-Off of 1974. This week we got brain-rot inducing reviews for children's tablets, Cat in the Hat movie review but make it perverse, a review for an ol' tavern, crappy Minecraft reviews, and then we Zoom off into parts unknown, or at least unseen by the naked eye (when covering said nude eye with one's hand). Party Dot Com!
Great Hits Vol.2: Yodeling Atop Pleasure Mountain
Great reviews for coffins, Publix, chicken soup, sex help books, “real” cheese, and some bad, bad juice.
Episode 143: I See a Green Pickle
What will you hear, though? Reviews about ugly little bananas, a Burger King that will stay in Las Vegas, a Hilton Resort, a bunch of movies, and Connect Four! Where!!! I DON'T SEEE!!!! THERE!!!!!!!!!! DIAGONALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Episode 142: Have Another Hat!
Have a pork pie you son of a gun! And some reviews for security guards, working at A&W, sitness, sleepy sleepy spray, Flyin' f*ckin' Ryan, and Thomas the Tank Engine's monster. Have another hat!
Episode 141: 20 Wieners Smokin’ on a Plate
I'm looking at the notes here and for one of the reviewed items Brent penciled in "Ben Afflect movie" so you got that to look forward to. And, topical stuff, Ant Man in the Big Universe! Big staircase monuments, college students on scooters, restaurants featuring Big Boys, and of course titular sausages. Wow, what an episode! Almost as meaty as so many meaty logs stacked on a plate! Dig in!
Episode 140: A Fresh Way to Serve that Peach
The peach is fresh, the peach is free, the peach may be fuzzy! These reviews aren't fresh, free, and are so fuzzy. We're talkin' Jessica Simpson pants, we're talkin' granny panties, we're talkin' fudge cookies, we're talkin' Hey Soul Sister, we're talkin' Over the Hedge, all reviews all the time baby 103 XM the REVIEW.
Episode 139: Listen Fate, You Got Me This Time!
Sometimes fate grabs you by the balls. Sometimes reviews grab you by the funnies, like these reviews for things like Honey Nut Cheerios, mouse books, orc smut, emoji movies, and Hedgehog soundtracks. Face your destiny, listen to this episode.
Episode 138: The Theme of this Episode is "Preventable Experiences"
Listening to this episode, however, is not preventable. It's got reviews about apples, Chris Farley movies, tasers, museums, and shitty costumes. Things do get side-scrolly, be warned (you do not have an option, you must listen).