What’s the Deal with Review Party Dot Com?
Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash
Nothing. Everything starts as nothing, and it’s from nothing that something comes to be. It was a certain sneaking nothingness that led to the creation of Review Party Dot Com.
But hey, let’s start at the beginning and get you up to speed.
Arriving at Carthage College with no clues as to what their futures held, Brent and Matt crossed paths at freshman orientation and found their rooms directly across the hall from one another. With the eagerness and ease of kindergartners, they became fast friends, bonding over the shared 90s experiences of absorbing Seinfeld quotes daily and actually renting things from Blockbuster. This led to frequent collaborations on college-level shenanigans, which mostly meant watching YouTube and playing video games.
Time transformed them into roommates and then into improv troupemates, before their stay on the lake was up. Creating comedy on stage and in various YouTube videos, the energy the two shared burned bright, staying lit even through graduation. And though their efforts towards post-college performances proved too cumbersome to ever fully achieve, the passion to work together was never in question.
Enter pandemic, stage left.
When their former improv troupe put out a call for submissions for a virtual version of the annual comedy festival these two had originally helped create, a video featuring a select group of alumni was cut together and sent along. And just like that, they realized how easy it would be to work together on another project…
Brent asked Matt if he wanted to “do a podcast.” Matt said “yes and,” and the journey began.
With early concepts ranging from a Never Have I Ever podcast, to a Bromance podcast, to a And This Was My Second Choice podcast, the boys decided to wear their inspiration on their sleeves, and like the fabled McElroy’s of My Brother My Brother and Me, Brent and Matt elected to take a deep dive into internet-sourced comedy fodder, casting out their nets for reviews instead of Yahoo Answers questions.
Thus and from then on, Review Party Dot Com was born.
Their mission is simple: bring in obscure user reviews from across the internet, on everything from products to services, hotels to restaurants, and found everywhere from Amazon to Google Reviews to Yelp. Then, with brains hardwired for comedy, the pair descends into the wacky worlds of those who left the reviews, explaining the inexplicable and finding the insane in the mundane task of writing an internet review. These two plus you makes it a party, and you’re always on the guest list.
We’re glad you could join us, so don’t be shy. It’s totally cool if you want to bring a friend, too; the more the merrier.
And if, in your own travails across the internet, you’ve found a review you want us to take a look at, send a link and your name to ReviewPartyDotCom@gmail.com. We’d love to hear from you anyway.
Click below to start at the beginning.