Me, You, and Meme Reviews REVISITED: Haribo Sugar Free Gummy Bears PART TWO

WIP on the old blog here, sorry kiddies. But here are Matt’s reviews of eating a whole bag of sugar free gummy bears, fake first, then the real.

Big bad doodoo gummies

There’s nothing quite like skatting. improvisational, spitfire and unexpected.

Jazz, spi doo doo doo dat dat day day Out your azz.

If you want your stomach inspired, dropping bass lines like brrrRrRrRr, Melodie’s like weeyyeeyyeeyee, and percussion likevplop plop plop plop plop plop plop, then drop a handful of big bad doodoo gummies.

You never know where the song will go, and you never know where you will go. Impress your friends, win lovers, set trends, all with your squeaky leaky ass. And when we talk about runs, it ain’t on the keys, it’s between your buns

Nothing quite like skat, and I’m talking shit

Just Say No

Residing somewhere between “if at first you don’t succeed, try try again” and “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me” is me, ny dumb brain and my brave bowels.

Having tried these before, I knew they can have some effect, but can the mighty fall with enough msltitol? I needed to find out, so I ate a whole package. That’s three servings. Having three servings of anything is prolly gonna mess you up.

Well friend, I’m happy to say it did not bring me to my knees. It did bring me to the toilet. BUT. It took a good few hours.

The stomach did gurgle and swell and churn, as the two hour mark passed, so did the gas again an again. From my back, legs pulled in for chiro stretches, it flew fast and plentiful. Only when I sat up did one suddenly feel fuller, hotter, wetter.

Was it a moment of panic, beads of sweat, and racing to the toilet? Nope. It was an “oh, let’s go” and a slow walk. And was it explosive, painting the inside of the bowl? Nope. It was like turning in a faucet.

All in all, I had one extra skip to the loo than normal. Lots of gas. Bloating. Bad stuff. Fiber ones bars with chicory can mess you up, but this is indeed worse.

Read the warning, take it seriously. Best of luck


For the Chicago Faithful: Third Coast Review


So I Ate a Whole Bag of Sugar Free Gummy Bears: Me, You, and Meme Reviews Revisited