A Year in Review (2021)


Once again, it is time to look back on the year that was, to take measure of it before we take measure of ourselves. There will be a time for resolutions later, plans for changes and improvements and dreams fulfilled. Let’s not rush pell-mell into that jazz.

No, let’s pause for just a moment and reflect.

Becoming Big Review Boys

When this podcast started, we were well-traveled internet explorers, but that doesn’t mean we had the credentials to back up our talk. We created a podcast Yelp account, in the vain hope that we might get ourselves out there, once it was safe to get “out there.” The account was subsequently deleted by Yelp for being promotional.

But 2021 saw Matt dive headlong into the world of Yelpers, becoming an Elite and notching a few Review of the Day awards along the way.

So when we say we’re the best in the review business, we know it’s not because we have a fancy studio or sponsors to plaster our faces everywhere. No, it’s because we know our comedy and we certifiably know our reviews.

Meme Reviewer Extraordinaires

While Review Party Dot Com typically makes its comedy from the unintentional oddity we find in internet reviews - amplified by our improv minds - we’d be foolish to ignore those reviews that knowingly wink at the reader. And there are plenty of such reviews when we consider the handful of products that go viral for their whimsical reviews.

This year alone, we have taken up the challenge, testing and reviewing FOUR different meme review products: the Bic for Her Pens, one Gallon of Tuscan Dairy Milk, the book How to Avoid Huge Ships, and most recently the famed Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer, which even caught the attention of the Hutzler Instagram account.

Because, as we say so often, we like a good funny review, but we also like a good useful review. So it is our mission to tell the truth on these meme products (and get our laughs in, too). Scroll back in the blog to find all of the above, there are two parts to each entry. It’ll be time well spent.

Other Mentionables

We cover a lot between the podcast, the blog, and social media. Here’s a quick rundown of what we think was fun and important.

For those of you looking for the best places to leave reviews, we’ve written six blog entries on Compensated Reviews, AKA those reviews that will line your pocket with some store credit or more.

Reviews have also been in the news for a variety of reasons, be it hotel owners kicking our guests for a negative review, the review bombers of a particular attorney, or the anniversary of MacKenzie Bezos leaving a review for a book on Jeff Bezos (on Amazon).

Movie lovers that we are, we indulged in some Great Reviews in History, for both Citizen Kane and Nosferatu.

And finally, we found some fellow funny review lovers in Welcome to My Meme Page and Subpar Parks. Additionally, we made the acquaintance of fellow review podcast Review that Review, featuring the “Review Queens.” While we won’t doubt their royal lineage, we cannot confirm their Yelp Elite status. They do things a bit differently, but hey, maybe you’ll love them more than you love us. If so, let’em know where you came from!

Wrapping Things Up

I think that about does it, doesn’t it? Weird to wrap things up after so recently tearing things apart, but that’s what the end of the year is all about. If you’ve made it this far with us, with thank you. It’s great for us, but it’s magic when we can share our fun with others.

Looking to the near year, we will be here. Hope to see you soon.


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When Amazon (and others) Delete Reviews