Review Party Dot Com

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Reviewing Our Reviews: AKA Reviewing the Reviews of a Podcast about Reviews

If you just found yourself here and don’t know what Review Party Dot Com is, well, first off, thanks! And second off, take a quick look around, bud!

Our banner proudly proclaims us as the podcast that reviews internet reviews, if the name didn’t tip you off. And the blog title, that you likely clicked on, also tells you we are a podcast about reviews. And that image there, aside from telling you that we have enemies in addition to our fans, tells you that we are an internet and comedy podcast.

And also that we’re not exactly popular, on Podchaser, anyway. You go to Apple Podcasts or Spotify and we are doing just fine. Funny how that works, isn’t it? Could it be that a review we left on Podchaser led to some retaliatory reviewing? It’s possible. But honestly, we don’t even remember the name of that podcast, we just know they’re based in the Boston area and like to check out our site a little too much to see if we’re talking about them (what’s up, lovelies?).

In any case, it’s time for us to make content of our content, it’s time to review our reviews. Will it be entertaining? You be the judge!

SO! On Podchaser, there are only four brave souls who actually chose to write something. The rest took that easy rating drop path (which we all do, from time to time). But let’s start with the hottest:

We unironically love this review. Hit by hit, blow by blow, it’s a masterclass in pontification, and that last line is a doozy. Obviously, we responded. We read it on our show. We made a clip and posted it to instagram. We love this review.

Trinidy speaks the truth! You can go read Amazon reviews yourself! You may need to sift through a lot of boring ones, though. But once you find them, you could get an AI voice to read them for you, automate the whole process, and BANG, millions. One point of contention, though, trinidy- we go way more places than Amazon. You ever heard a review from You haven’t seen what we’ve SEEN trinity!

You know what, I don’t have a bad thing to say about this. Depending on what “era” giacomo was listening to, our audio may have been way in the can. And we don’t always fire on all cylinders, it is mostly improv after we present our reviews to each other. Sometimes we’re tired, sometimes we’re distracted, sometimes we don’t find the funny detail funny, so we force the other to make funny on their own. Props, giacomo.

The “friend” review. We want those, we need those, we take those. Would it be better from a stranger? Absolutely, but we’re still so flattered and appreciative of the time and care given.

Spotify just has ratings. So we can’t say much about this. I guess it’s easier on all you out there, just drop your stars and go!

Apple Podcasts DOES have reviews. And they look pretty good! But maybe we’ll save that for a part two. Between you and me, it’s not always easy writing something related to reviews every single week!